December 19, 2023ESGGeneral Business NewsPeople News

Mia Krogslund Jørgensen and Shivas Kapoor Interviewed by Safety4Sea on Careers in Maritime

The maritime industry is at a crucial crossroads. With rapid technological changes, environmental concerns, and evolving societal expectations, there’s a need for a strong emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). It’s also vital to ensure the well-being of the crew and adapt to a digital era.

Mia Krogslund Jørgensen, VP, Head of People, Culture & Strategy, and Shivas Kapoor, GM, Head of Crewing, recently had a discussion with Safety4Sea. They delved into their efforts to promote DEI within shipping and highlighted the challenges and opportunities in the maritime sector. They touched upon pressing issues like climate change and digital transformation, emphasizing the importance of DEI and crew welfare. Their insights provide a comprehensive look into the industry’s present state and future direction.


The full interview can be read here: Hafnia: Digital platforms and social media can play a significant role in promoting careers in shipping – SAFETY4SEA

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Mia Krogslund Jørgensen
Head of People, Culture & Strategy

T:  +45 3369 9086

People Culture & Strategy
Executive Management
Copenhagen  |