September 26, 2023Events

Hafnia Pools Technical and Operational Committee (TAOC) Meeting September 2023

Hafnia is pleased to have hosted yet another successful Pools TAOC meeting – this time located on Andros Island, Greece.


The week included discussions, presentations, and constructive debates and exercises on topics that ranged from CII, ETS, Biofuels, Operational Matters, Pool agreement updates, Security, and SIRE 2.0 (amongst others). Team building activities included a hiking tour around the island.


The Hafnia Pools TAOC Meeting is hosted twice a year, providing a venue for important topics and learnings to be shared and addressed.


Attended by over 35 delegates, participants of this event included those from Astra Shipmanagement, Chartworld Shipping Corporation, Chemikalien Seetransport GmbH (CST), Donnelly Tanker Management, GESCO, Grace/Ionia Management, International Seaways, Interorient Navigation, Larine Tankers, Marlo, Mercuria Shipping Pte Ltd, MK Centennial Maritime BV, Okee Maritime, Reederei Nord, Seahawk Maritime, Transocean of Monaco, and TRF.


We are pleased to have met with our partners and colleagues and look forward to the next meeting in April 2024.

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Dorte Thuesen Christensen
Operations & Claims

M: +45 2938 1434T:  +45 3369 9063

Copenhagen  |