April 23, 2024Events

Hafnia TAOC Pool Partner Meeting April 2024

Hafnia recently held its biannual TAOC (Technical and Operational Committee) Meeting for our Pool Partners.


Hosted at the historic site of Danish Shipping in Copenhagen (Amaliegade), 37 people from 18 different companies and 13 different nationalities– who gathered to discuss topics across decarbonization, geopolitics, and due diligence.


Other key topics centered around crucial subjects like the EU ETS and FuelEU Maritime, reaffirming the industry’s commitment to sustainability and exploring avenues for reducing emissions. Bunkers and Biofuels – Sharing experiences and insights on biofuel quality and advancements in alternative fuels with a special presentation from external speaker, MAN. Commercial insights were also shared from a KYC and due diligence perspective in analyzing actual earnings and the commercial landscape amidst evolving regulatory landscapes. Operational topics were furthermore covered in terms of initiatives like the Off-hire working group and Armed Guard recommendation for operational efficiency and safety. The overall model of Hafnia Pools was also discussed to further consolidate a collective vision for optimizing fleet performance and maximizing value for our partners.


The TAOC meeting was concluded with a live ‘TCE Derby’ which simulated a true depiction of an operator – where pool participants were divided into five competing groups, who underwent a full immersion experience of acting as a designated commercial operator of a vessel for multiple voyages to make the best decisions with limited information available to maximize the profit of a vessel.


Hafnia’s bi-annual TAOC Pool Partner Meetings aim to be a catalyst for growth, innovation, and collective success. A big thank you to our wonderful Pool Partners for their active participation and invaluable contribution.

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