September 21, 2023EventsGeneral Business News

Hafnia Participates in Pareto Securities' 30th Annual Energy Conference

Represented by Hafnia CEO Mikael Skov, Head of Investor Relations Thomas Andersen, EVP, Siew Ying Teoh (Bunker & OPEX Controller), and Charleston Lim (Investor Relations), Hafnia participated in Pareto Securities’ 30th Annual Energy Conference.


The Annual Energy Conference by Pareto Securities in Oslo is a landmark event in the energy industry. Renowned for bringing together key players, innovators, and thought leaders in the energy sector, this year’s conference had a strong focus on the evolving landscape of renewable energy, sustainable practices, and the future of energy investments. The conference serves as a vital platform for collaborations, the sharing of expertise, and exploring investment opportunities that align with the world’s energy transition.


Attended by top industry leaders, the investor community, and political delegates, the objective of the conference aims to gather stakeholders from traditional oil and gas companies to renewable energy developers and producers, as well as connected sectors like batteries and hydrogen. It is the largest of its kind in Europe with over 2000 people in attendance.


Over 160 companies presented themselves at the conference, which included panel debates and analyst presentations.  Mikael Skov presented an overview of Hafnia, the product and chemical tanker market, Hafnia’s recent quarterly results, and an outlook on the industry.


During his presentation, Mikael specifically highlighted how the product tanker market will be severely undersupplied by vessels in the next years due to increased scrapping and a very low order book.


Selected clients of Pareto Securities had the possibility to book 1-1 meetings with the presenting companies, to which Hafnia has had the pleasure of discussing Hafnia and the oil product and chemical shipping market with top investor names.

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