September 28, 2023EventsSpeaking Engagements

Hafnia at Smart Maritime Annual Global Innovation Congress 2023

Hafnia is pleased to have partnered with the Smart Maritime Annual Global Innovation Congress 2023 (SMAGIC’23) as panel speakers across two key panels held on Day 2 of the conference.


Hafnia CEO Mikael Skov and Dorte Thuesen Christensen, VP, Operations & Claims respectively took part in panels “How Leadership, Culture & Diversity are Integral to Maritime’s Digital Era” and “Standards & Collaboration in the Maritime Ecosystem”.


Held in Copenhagen, the inaugural Smart Maritime Annual Global Innovation Congress (#SMAGIC) is held over three days between the 26 28 of September and is a mix of workshops and plenary panel discussions. This event explores key topics surrounding maritime technology and innovation in further partnership with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Invest in Denmark, the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA), Danish Shipping, Danish Maritime, BIMCO, and WISTA Denmark.

To read more about the event, click here:

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